
At Suzano, world leader in pulp production, everything is done based on the belief that innovation and sustainability are two ideas that go hand in hand. From this union, an attitude full of meaning is born: innovativeness. In this context, Suzano’s Consumer Goods division, which has been gaining more space in the personal care and household cleaning categories, offering products made from planted and renewed trees, invited Pande to conduct a project to integrate its Institutional brand strategy to its consumer product brands.
The key challenge of the project was to understand the role of Suzano’s Institutional brand and how it could add value to the company’s consumer brands. Along with this goal, we were challenged to create and translate into a language that was closer to the consumers, the company’s main sustainability initiatives to be, later, incorporated into the packaging of its different consumer brands.
Through an in-depth immersion and diagnostic process, based on interviews with various stakeholders, competition analysis, benchmarks, consumer surveys, and a co-creation process, we established recommendations that structured a new endorsement system for Suzano’s Corporate brand. We brought clear application guidelines for the communication of the sustainability theme, with the necessary flexibility to connect the brand with consumers who are engaged in this issue, as well as with those who are still indifferent to the theme.

The starting point of the project was an in-depth immersion in the so-called Beta consumers. At this stage, our focus was mainly to understand: how and to what extent would sustainability be present in people’s lives?

What we could observe in this phase was that, regardless of the profile, being sustainable was always linked to the ideas of: not degrading the environment, having a conscious consumption, and being aware of the destination of what we consume. However, as the degree of involvement with the theme increased, new layers of meaning were added to the definition of “sustainable”, expressing with this a greater willingness of consumers to change habits and incorporate new customs.

Considering the insights from the first stage of research, the next step was to co-create with consumers the concept that would translate Suzano’s sustainability initiatives into packaging. In a process of sequential recycling, we investigated which terms and visual elements best fit the repertoire of different target profiles, so that the discourse would be oriented to all consumers, whether they are engaged or not with the theme.

Thus, we created the concept trees that renew, which organizes, in an infographic on the back panel of the packaging, RTB, information about Suzano and the connection between sustainability and UNBC products. On the front of the packaging, this concept is connected to an endorsement system, in which Suzano’s Institutional brand is applied in the corner model associated with the signature “Together, we plant the future” to generate recognition and invite the consumer to be part of the sustainable cycle.

As part of Suzano’s purpose to contribute to a more sustainable world, the Consumer Goods Unit continued to innovate by bringing a totally renewable package to the market with the launching of Mimmo, packaged 100% in paper.

For this launch, our challenge was to maintain the connection with the other SKUs in UNBC’s portfolio, highlighting the attributes and differentials of this product, which is totally renewable, without losing the quality of the Mimmo brand. Thus, we kept the main equities already built of the brand, with the inclusion of the green color code, to reinforce even more this sustainability positioning, besides the creation of claims that translate the RTB in the packaging.

As a conclusion, all the project implementation guidelines were organized in a Manual that guides the endorsement relationships of Suzano’s brand with all product brands. In addition to guiding the application of the sustainability tool, “Trees that Renew” and bringing a lot of important information about the commitments that underpin the brands, it also presents guidance for maintaining consistency in all visual and verbal expression.