São João Alimentos

São João Alimentos is a company with over 50 years of history, with units in São Cruz do Rio Pardo, Uruguaiana and a distribution center in São Paulo. One of the most recognized industries in the Brazilian market, with high performance and investments in technology, producing more than 15,000 tons of food with international food safety certifications.

São João Alimentos came to us with the challenge: How can we continue to grow? The project then begins in January 2020 with the purpose of consolidating a strategic transformation in its business, to increase its performance in the segment and enable it to expand.

The stages began with a deep immersion in the company’s core values and an understanding of the business. We engaged with the main stakeholders to understand better how the internal culture perceived its differentials. We analyzed how the different brands Empório São João, Patéko, Riviera, Taiyô Mai, and Famil were positioned in the competitive environment. 

Thus, we also started to understand how the consumer found the brands, visiting 26 channels in 5 different cities. The analysis of channels, display, and price was essential, with the POS being an important channel for building value and the main contact with the consumer.

We then analyzed the sector’s macro trends and how the main players were positioning themselves and organizing their portfolios. We spoke to consumers through research and a blind test to understand their perception of the brand and the quality of the product. Based on the data, consumer needs, industry standards, and retail segmentations, we defined the role of each brand for the business, the segmentation between brands, categories, and products, as well as the future path of each one. We created a single business map to guide and facilitate decisions related to brands and the business.

We consolidated the platform for the Institutional brand and the product brands, using our Brand Value methodology, which guides all the conceptual aspects and all the elements that differentiate the brands. We created a new language for Empório São João, Patéko, Taiyo Mai, and Riviera, clearly communicating their new positioning. We have developed over 60 packages and 50 recipe videos.

In redesigning the Patéko brand, we recovered the history of the mascot. We updated Pato’s style, which gained volume, customizations, and a leading role in communication. The entire packaging line has gained appetite appeal and a more direct color code to differentiate the products.

For the consolidated Empório São João, we did a subtle redesign, optimizing and updating the brand’s visual equities. We simplified shapes, eliminated contours, updated the typography, and made a realistic illustration inspired by the historical photo on the packaging.

Finally, Taiyo Mai’s redesign was inspired by “Shod?”, the ancient art of Japanese calligraphy that conveys its philosophy and meanings in strokes that form the Kanji. All this art, made in single brushstrokes and without retouching, is absorbed into washi, a paper made from rice. We also redesigned the brand’s lettering and brought great visual impact to the rack, using the colors red and black.

As an essential part of the growth project, we defined a strategic master plan and a tactical execution plan to prepare for the change. Another relevant part was the engagement of the team in the transformation, when we worked on training with the sales team before and after the launch. We organized the company’s first convention in 2021, D-Day, which was an important milestone in changing the team’s mentality and beginning the transformation of the business.

And our role as a strategic partner doesn’t end there. We continue to provide constant support for SJA’s growth, with trade action planning, communication, training for the sales team, events, surveys, market trends, and expansion of brands’ portfolio.